February 8, 2016

On the occasion of the anniversary of his ascendance to the primatial throne of Greece, Patriarch Kirill and Met. Hilarion (Alfeyev) sent greetings to His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos.
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Greeting from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill:
Your Beatitude,
Beloved in the Lord Brother and Concelebrant,
Please accept my cordial greetings on the anniversary of your election to the primatial See of the Orthodox Church of Greece.
Having received this lofty vocation from Christ the Chief Shepherd, you perform your primatial ministry in all diligence, and… love (2 Cor 8:7), leading the people of Greece entrusted to your care on the salutary path of keeping the commandments of the Gospel.
I wish Your Beatitude good health, God’s all-strengthening help and unceasing spiritual joy, and I wish peace and prosperity to your God-loving flock.
With fraternal love in the Lord,
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Greeting from His Beatitude Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk:
Your Beatitude,
Please accept my cordial greetings on the anniversary of your election to the primatial See of Athens and All Greece.
Performing the lofty ministry of primate of the holy Church of Greece, you try to rely in everything upon the Lord Who has called you to minister His Gospel (cf. Rom 15:16). At a challenging time when doubts are being cast on traditional moral norms in this world ever more often, you have to make special efforts to preserve the Gospel values in Greece.
I prayerfully wish Your Beatitude God’s help in your primatial ministry, physical and spiritual strength and bountiful spiritual blessings from the All-Generous Heavenly Father.
With esteem and love in the Lord,
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk
Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations
Moscow Patriarchate