Patriarchate of Alexandria to restore deaconess ministry

November 21, 2016

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The Alexandrian Orthodox Church intends to restore the institution of deaconesses which existed in the early centuries of the Orthodox Church, as reported on the patriarchate’s official website.

Under the chairmanship of Patriarch Theodoros II the Holy Synod of the Alexandrian Church reviewed the issue at their November 16 session, with a report being offered by Metropolitan Gregory of Cameroon in which he highlighted the missionary focus of the deaconess ministry. His report was followed by a detailed discussion of the issue.

Having decided to restore the institution, the Alexandrian synod formed a three-bishop committee for thoroughly studying the issue.

What functions, including liturgical, if any, will be entrusted to the new deaconesses remains to be seen.

21 ноября 2016 г.

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Смотри также
Chester24 ноября 2016, 06:00
This is not good news for anyone.
John May23 ноября 2016, 02:00
Could a statement be filled with more "social justice" i.e. cultural Marxist rhetoric? This makes mr worried that Deaconesses in the Church will not even take their Traditional role (which seems unnecessary, even in Africa, in this day in age), but that the Church of Alexandria is succumbing to feminism and will re-write history and women's role in Church (I pray that I am wrong, but if the statement is a reflection of their intentions, then I don't know)...
Magdalena22 ноября 2016, 08:00
This is good news for us African Orthodox women.
D. B. Soliman 22 ноября 2016, 05:00
Proud of our open-minded Pope Tawadros. Hope he regulates length of mass & its punctual start & end, also limiting the Coptic language that we can read but not understand in the mass as well.
Fr. Antipas21 ноября 2016, 21:00
I hope that we will not degenerate to "inovation" or something similar to women ordination.
Demetrius Manolakos,Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.21 ноября 2016, 17:00
In light of developments in the world, I believe it is time to reconsider the position of the Church in many many matters and this is an excellent start. I hope it will be followed by all the Patriarchates of the Orthodox Church.
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