Orthodoxy is growing exponentially in Guatemala, and Christ's Church is filling with pure, suffering souls. The Mayan flock of Fr. Andres Giron (+ February, 2014) is growing by whole villages, but they urgently need basic medical help that people in a more affluent society can easily provide.
Please watch this video from the Greek Orthodox Mission in Guatemala, and be inspired.
In Guatemala the Orthodox Church is ministering to both the soul and the body of the people. A new medical clinic will meet the urgent needs of the Maya populations near the border of Mexico. Watch “Soul and Body” (below) to learn more about the clinic that is under construction!
The FATHER ANDRES GIRON CLINIC is being built by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Mexico, with the blessing of Metropolitan Athenagoras, for the Mayan people in the remote village of Aguacate, Guatemala. Under the direction of OCMC Mission Specialist Father John Chakos and Project Director Robert Kirschner, significant progress has been made in making the clinic fully operational. Start-up grants and ongoing support from ONE WORLD, ONE COMMUNITY, as well as a number of Pittsburgh based foundations and the HOLY CROSS MISSION FUND have contributed greatly to this project. Additional help from medical teams and donors will give the Mayan Christians hope for a better life. Please support these efforts!