Moscow, September 28, 2016

The new children’s ombudsman under the Russian Federation’s President Anna Kuznetsova has spoken up for a ban on abortion in Russia.
“The whole civilized world has spoken up against the phenomenon of abortions for years and we support this position. However, we realize that this issue requires a systematic approach,” said thirty-four-year-old A. Kuznetsova, mother of six, Tuesday, September 27, to the TASS agency.
She also noted that in Russia the state and public structures are working together on the prevention of abortions. In her view, the measures taken by the government in this respect have a noticeable effect and can be considered successful. “Around 900 specialized consultation rooms have been opened in the country. In the past year alone more than 266,500 women visited these consultation rooms for counsel and eventually 67,000 women changed their mind and did not have abortions,” the children’s ombudsman related.
“This work should be continued with emphasis on the defense of traditional family values, support for motherhood, families with children, young families, and the improvement of education programs for the rising generation, and the development of public initiatives in this area,” A. Kuznetsova said.