Orthodox archbishop condemns dishonesty

Source: New Vision

December 25, 2016


Presiding over the Christmas Liturgy at St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral, Namungoona, the Metropolitan of the Holy Metropolis of Kampala and entire Uganda, His Eminence Archbishop Jonah Lwanga condemned the culture of dishonesty in the country.

He encouraged Christians and all Ugandans of good will to promote truth and justice, love, mercy, peace and reconciliation.

“The birth of Jesus should empower us to fight sin. We should shun vices like deceit, unfairness, corruption and violence. Let us be merchants of truth, justice, mercy and peace,” Lwanga said.


Lwanga later delivered the message of the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, His Beatitude Theodorous II, who asked the Orthodox believers in Uganda to exercise mercy and human solidarity during the New Year.

During the same function, Lwanga ordained Rev. George William Lule as a priest of the Orthodox Church. Lule is the son of Kalibbala Nabitovu and Musa Musoke Ssemumira of Kawumu, in Luweero.

Lwanga celebrated the liturgy with the parish priest of Namungoona, Fr. Nicholas Bayego and the Vicar-General, the Very Rev. Fr. Paulo Mutaasa.



New Vision

27 декабря 2016 г.

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